00:16:43 Sean Moundas: Good morning. Screen is coming through clearly thank you! 01:37:13 Ross Center: We are taking a 10 minute break. We are will resume at 10:34am. 02:06:57 Sean Moundas: I love that idea of the role of a scribe within a session. Thank you Dr. DeLapp! 02:07:30 Sean Moundas: I wonder as well how experiences have been regarding conversations about navigating multiple, intersecting identities all at once 02:08:12 Sean Moundas: particularly regarding a mixture of privileged and marginalized identities. Regarding interventions, discussing community-based resources, facilitating strength and strengths-in-the-making related to identities 02:08:25 Renu Kaur: I have talked with clients about intentionally investing their time and energy in spaces where they are free to be authentic when typically they are not able to spend time in those spaces like at work for example 02:08:44 Sean Moundas: as well as helping the person to connect to affirming social media, in person/virtual support spaces, memoirs that may be similar regarding identities and values as the client's 02:09:01 Robin Brannan: We treat neurodivergent clients, and often use the language of masking... Intentional vs. Automatic masking and learning to intentionally unmask in a wider range of spacd 02:09:18 Sean Moundas: Yes about masking! That resonates with aspects of the work I have done as well. 02:09:33 Robin Brannan: spaces/communities. We bring distress tolerance into that 02:10:34 Sean Moundas: Also brainstorming geographic places that may be more affirming if the person is considering /is able to move to more inclusive, diverse spaces. 02:10:51 Sean Moundas: Identifying people in the individual's life who are not./less affirming and ways , if at all possible, to reduce time with them 02:10:59 Sean Moundas: Expectation management from others in one's life as well has been a helpful intervention 02:11:21 Renu Kaur: Teaching clients to use skills they developed out of survival as strengths 02:11:47 Geoffrey Michaelson: When a patient has wanted to learn more about empowerment I have asked them to read the writings or musical lyrics of that hero and think about how 02:12:53 Geoffrey Michaelson: that person may give them hope or inspiration to be more themselves not that person, but what they can 02:13:19 Geoffrey Michaelson: learn from the writings or lyrics. 02:13:34 Heather Clark: We incorporate spirituality in the assessment process - do you consider yourself a spiritual person or a person of faith? Do you have a desire to incorporate that into our work together? If so, what might that look like? 02:13:35 Sean Moundas: Yes! Along those lines, one thing I have wanted to do more of is incorporate writing into the session/into the treatment as well as asking clients to bring music and other forms of art into the therapeutic space that is meaningful and inspiring 02:15:02 Heather Clark: It's not a specific intervention, but I also really emphasize validation of experiences of marginalization. For so many of my clients, those experiences have been minimized or overlooked in the past, so that validation is really transformative. 02:26:55 Sara Hunter: Can you speak to how you would approach someone who embraces a false or disempowered identity (“bad kid”) because it feels protective, at least socially, for them to fulfill those expectations in their day-to-day roles? 02:29:14 Sara Hunter: That makes sense - thank you 02:34:01 Sean Moundas: I very much appreciate the nuanced, culturally responsive approach to asserting!! Thank you for naming that. 02:52:20 Sean Moundas: So appreciate the meaningful acronymns! 02:52:32 Sean Moundas: Also thinking of the movement/book about Rest is Resistance in this context 02:53:32 Sean Moundas: by Tricia Hersey - https://thenapministry.com/ 02:58:30 Sean Moundas: Question: I wonder about how relational culture therapy principles can connect/have connected with culturally responsive care as well? 03:01:36 Ross Center: Visit rosscenter.com for more information on the REACH program 03:02:01 Renu Kaur: Very informative, thank you! 03:02:12 Sean Moundas: This has been absolutely amazing Dr. DeLapp!!Thank you and the Ross Center! \ 03:02:32 Ross Center: You may also use the raise hand feature. for questions. 03:02:35 Erica Chow: Thank you so much, Dr. DeLapp for this informative presentation! 03:03:14 Geoffrey Michaelson: Thanks so much Dr. DeLapp 03:04:39 Monica Robb: This was very beneficial in helping to think about client's anxiety from a different framework as it relates to cultural stress. 03:05:48 Heather Clark: I thought of Relational-Cultural Therapy during this talk, as well =) 03:07:41 Sean Moundas: :) 03:08:02 Sean Moundas: I appreciate the rich sharing in this space; so refreshing and helpful! 03:08:15 Sean Moundas: RCT link (thank you Dr. DeLapp for the response to that question!): https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2009-08915-000 03:09:08 Heather Clark: Thank you! 03:09:32 Ross Center: rdelapp@rosscenter.com 03:09:59 Carly Hunt: Thank you so much!